I am opening this website to share the information I have accumulated over the past four and a half years about the calendar followed by the inhabitants of Qumran who identify as Zadok priests and children of light. A dear friend in Israel encouraged me to delve into this study. I have not kept my focus on the calendar scrolls mainly. This study has been an evolution. I hit many dead ends and had to rely on Avinu (our Father) to reveal to me. I have finally reached a point where I want to share what I have found. At the beginning of my studies, I relied on information from those who had been studying this for long periods. I began sharing information they were putting forward and then, through my studies, found that they were incorrect in what they believed. It grieved me that I had shared something that was not correct. Fortunately, the information I gave them gave a correct time for beginning the year till 2024. The difference between ways of following what most call the Zadok calendar is how to keep it centered on the tropical season, as Moses was told to do.
The priestly order calendar is a 364-day calendar. The tropical year is 365.25 days. This means time has to be entered to keep the first month of the year in the proper season. This time has to be in increments of seven days because each priest’s duty is seven days. Their duty begins just after sunset on Shabbat and goes for seven days. If any number of days were added other than seven, the priestly order would get out of sync. After many hours of studying and testing ways of accomplishing a method of intercalation that did not disturb the priestly order and kept the first day of the year in the tropical season, I finally found a method that works to maintain the synchronicity of the priestly order with the tropical year.
This website is to share why I became convinced the Zadok calendar was the calendar of ancient Israel, what I discovered about the prophetic nature of the calendar, and how it all works, along with spreadsheets of every Yovel (Jubilee) from the creation of Adam to the 123rd Yovel-Jubilee. Also, I have included a chart that shows the calendar and how it works. For everyday use, I have included a Gregorian style calendar with Gregorian dates, Zadok calendar dates, including all the moedim, beginnings of months, Zadok annual day count, and monthly day count. It starts with 2025 and goes to 2031.
I am prematurely opening this website because I need more time to format the material and get it where it flows smoothly. What I am putting up, for now, is four articles on the calendar I have written over the course of my studies and one article called “Generational Curses,” which is a very short synopsis of what has been and what will be to the second coming of Yahushua. This article will point the readers to another website that will be opened in mid-December, named “thedayandhour.com.” It is all about what has been and will be in much detail.
The five articles on this site are as follows. I suggest that you read them in the order listed here. They are #1 Calendars, #2 Events that fall on years that begin with the same priestly order, #3 List of Significant Events, #4 Priestly Order and Mishmarot & Otot, and #4 Generational Curses.
#1, Calendars, is why I began delving into the calendar. It includes information about the mistranslations put into our modern scriptures to support the current calendar kept by the Jewish world today. It contains some history to support that there was a calendar change and when it happened, along with information to support the Zadok priestly order calendar, which is the calendar ancient Israel kept.
#2, Events that fall on years that begin with the same priestly order are essential to read because they prove the genealogy I used through multiple connections with destructions or negative events that have happened to the seed of Abraham. Also, it explains the difference between keeping Yovel-Jubilees on a fifty-year cycle, with the fiftieth year as a stand-alone year, versus keeping forty-nine-year cycles with the Yovel-Jubilees being on the first year of the next forty-nine-year cycle. Prophetically understanding the fifty-year cycles is very important for knowing where we are in prophecy now. Another article is the two Adams of Genesis, chapters 1 and 2. It shows how the 50-year cycles are not Yovel-Jubilee cycles but have a totally different purpose. They are about when Yahushua will return and deliver us from all evil.
#3, List of Significant Events, is an exercise to familiarize yourself with the Excel spreadsheets. I use Yahushua’s conception and birth to help you become familiar with the sheets because you will use everything on the sheet to determine the weeks of His conception and birth.
#4, Generational Curses, which, as said above, is about what has been and will be, or knowing the end from the beginning.
Everything I write is to provoke interaction. I am only one in the family of Elohim sharing what I have found. I do not believe anyone of us has it all, but we can get much closer as the family of YHWH working together.
Conner Stevens
I can be contacted at conner@zadokcalendar.org
I am willing to do Zoom meetings to answer questions or explain anything you need help with.