List of Significant Events

Before reading this, read “Calendars” and “Events that fall on the same Priestly Order on the Zadok Calendar.” The following exercise was created to help you navigate the priestly order Excel sheets. 

Here is the order of service of the priests who served in the temple. It was established by King David and his High Priest, Zadok. The priest cast lots, so YHWH established this order. There is significance to the meanings of their names. This list comes from 1 Chronicles Chapter 24.

1 Yehoyarib     Yahuah contends.

2 Yedaiah        Yahuah has known.

3 Harim            dedicated.

4 Seorim          barley.

5 Malchiyah    Yahuah is my King.

6 Miyamin       right hand.

7 Hakkoz         the thorn.

8 Aviyah          Yahuah is my Father.

9 Yahushua      Yahuah saves-delivers.

10 Shecaniah    dwells with Yahuah.

11 Eliashib       Yahuah restores.

12 Yakim         He will rise.

13 Huppah       canopy-covering.

14 Yeshebeab  dwelling of Yahuah.

15 Bilgah         cheerfulness.

16 Immer         He hath said.

17 Hezir           Protect, In close. Also means swine

18 Aphses        to break.

19 Pethahiah    freed by Yahuah.

20 Yehezekel   Yahuah strengthens.

21 Yachin        He will establish.

22 Gamul         recompence (rewarded) weaned, & most important meaning is complete.

23 Delaiah       Yahuah has drawn.

24 Maaziah      consolation.

Yearly notations

The standard methods of denoting time are BC, before Christ, and the last AD, Latin, Anno Domini, which is understood to be the years following the birth of Christ. AC, which means After Creation, is just my way of denoting the years after the creation of Adam as given in the Masoretic text of the Torah, according to my rendition. On the Excel spreadsheets, I put a – sign in front of BC years.

Over 100 expert genealogists agree that Adam was created in -4004 BC. This paper is not for explaining things but is just a list of events that have happened in history that follow a pattern of destruction on the Jewish people and fall in years that begin the year with the same priestly service. This first list is years that start with the priest who serves on the 14th order. The name of the priest who serves on the 14th order is Yeshebeab, which means the dwelling of YHWH. The second list is events that fell on the years that began with priest #10, which immediately precedes years that start with the 14th order. The name of the priest that serves on the 10th order is Shecaniah, which means dwells with YHWH.  The following two list of significant events of destruction and restoration of the Jewish people that fall on years that begin with a certain priest serving on the first day of the following years. It is nearly impossible for these events to have happened as they have randomly. Instead, these events have been prophetic.

The first list, years beginning with the priestly order #14.

1-2033 AC, Abraham went into Hagar, and Ishmael was conceived.        

2 2123 AC, Abraham died.

3-2199 AC, the birth of Joseph.

4-2255 AC, Jacob dies.

5-2309 AC, the death of Joseph.

6-976 BC, the death of Solomon and the dividing of Israel into two houses.

7-598 BC, the first assault on Jerusalem when Yahusakin surrendered to Babylon.

8-586 BC, the destruction of the first temple.

9-46 AD, the year of Claudius’s expulsion of the Jews from Rome.

10-70 AD, destruction of the second temple.

11-418 AD, the Jews were expelled from Minocra or asked to convert.

12-1012 AD, the Jews were expelled from Mainz.

13-1276 AD,  the Jews were expelled from Bavaria.

14-1288 AD, the Jews were expelled from Southern Italy.

15-1294 AD, when the Jews were expelled from Berne, Switzerland.

16-1360 AD, when the Jews were expelled from Hungary.

17-1492 AD, when the Jews were expelled from Spain and continued through 1493.

18-1510 AD, when the Jews were expelled from Naples and Brandenburg.

19-1654 AD, when the Dutch colony of Recife in Brazil fell to the Portuguese, the Jewish arrival in New Amsterdam prompted the first group of Jews to flee to North America.

20-1714 AD, after the Spanish Succession, the Jews of Austrian origin were expelled from Bavaria.

21-1744 AD began the reforms of Frederick II, Joseph II, and Maria Theresa, which sent masses of impoverished German and Austrian Jews East.

22-1947-1972 AD. Jewish exodus from the Muslim world ends in the year beginning with #14.

23-1948 AD, Israel won independence.

24-1972 AD, Idi Amin expels all Israelis from Uganda.

25-2020 AD, Israel closed the country two weeks before Pesach.

The second list includes years beginning with the priestly order #10.

1-1948 AC, Abraham was born.

2-2194 AC, Levi was born.

3-2458 AC, the exodus began.

4-1917 AD: The Balfour Declaration declared that Israel could be a nation again in the promised Land.

5-1947 AD, UN Resolution 181, declaring Israel and Palestine could be nations again in the promised land.

The following year that begins with the priestly order #10 is 2025 AD, which is a Yovel year and begins a seven-year Sabbatical-Shemitah cycle that ends in 2031, which also starts the year with priestly order #10.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

A Short Exercise To Get Familiar With Using The Excel Sheets

First, we will look at Cycle 1, the first sheet beginning with -4004 BC. Note that the years that run across the top of the sheets are BC and AD years, and the – sign before the dates on the top indicates BC, as said above. The numbers along the bottom of the sheets are the number of years from the creation of Adam that I refer to as AC years. This sheet begins with Adam’s creation and ends the first 49 years of the cycle. Notice it starts the first year with priest #22, Gamul. Here, I am following what the Zadok priests at Qumran were doing. We are unsure why they did not start with Priest #1 in the order, but Priest #22 plays an essential role in the calendar scrolls. Perhaps it is associated with the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph Bet since everything was created through spoken words formed by combinations of these 22 letters, so the letters had to be created first.

The way Yovels (Jubilees) work is as follows. Seven groups of 7 years are referred to as weeks of years. Each group of 7 weeks of years is a Sabbatical-Shemitah cycle, with the last year of the cycle being a Sabbatical-Shemitah year. The 50th year is a Yovel year and the first year of the next 49-year cycle. This first week of the year starts with Priest #22 and ends with Priest #22. Also, the last weeks of the years in the cycle of 49 years are precisely the same as the year’s first weeks of years. This pattern repeats after 294 years (or six Yovel-Jubilee cycles). Every 295th year starts a 49-year cycle that is the same as the first cycle at the creation of Adam. The most recent repetition of the first cycle, which began with the creation of Adam, started in 1878 and ended in 1926.

Next, we will look at sheet #52. The priest who begins this cycle’s first year is priest #10, Shecaniah (who dwells with Yahuah). This year is a Yovel, and the year Israel entered the promised land. It is 2,500 years from the creation of Adam. Priest #10 begins the year 1917 when Jerusalem was freed from the Ottoman 400-year occupation. Priest #10 also started the year of the Balfour Declaration, which declared that Israel could be a nation again in the land. Priest #10  also begins the year 1947 when the UN Mandate 181 was issued, stating Israel and Palestine could be nations in the land again. The years that start with Priest #10 seem to be years that are potentially restoration years.

Next, we will look at sheet #62. Go across the top of the sheet and to the year -976 BC. This was the year Solomon died, and Israel was divided into two houses. This year began with priest #14, Yeshebeab, the dwelling of Yahuah. There are 21 times that events of destruction happen to Judah that fall on years that start with this priestly order, and two times the destruction is on Judah’s enemy. We will continue

to look at a few of the major ones. Remember that we are now getting you familiar with using these spreadsheets.

Next, we will look at sheet #70 and the year -598 BC. This is the year Babylon first assaulted Jerusalem and Yahusakin surrendered. It also starts the year with priest #14.

Next, on the same sheet, we will look at the year -586 BC, the year Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed, and that year begins with priest #14. Another exciting thing is that Ezekiel prophesied in chapter 4 that the House of Israel would be given 390 years of protection to repent. If they did not, Jerusalem would be destroyed. From 976 BC, when Israel was divided into two nations, to 586 BC, it is 390 years (Ezekiel chapter 4).

The Birth of Yahushua

Next, we will go to sheet #82 and go to the year -5 BC, then follow down to priest #8, Aviyah; YHWH is my Father. This is the order of Zechariah, John’s father, on the priestly order calendar at the time of New Wine. The next cell down is when John was conceived, and the priest serving that week is #9, Yahushua, YHWH saves-delivers. If you follow from this cell to the far left, you will come to the week numbers. This week is the 20th  week of the year. Now, we know Mary visited Elizabeth in her 20th week of pregnancy. Now, go down to week #40 and then back to the -4 BC column. This is when Yahushua was conceived. Notice we labeled it; stone laid. This week is 12 weeks to the end of the year, so we must go to the  28th week of the following year for Yahushua’s birth which falls on Yom Kippurim  -3 BC; PRAISE YHWH! He pays the price of the sins of Adam and his progeny. The priest that served on the week of Yom Kippurim was #21, Yachin, which means “He will establish”.

Next, we will go to sheet #83 and go across the top to the year 30 AD, the crucifixion of Yahushua. There are a couple of exciting things here. First, the priest beginning the year is #22, Gamul, the order that starts when Adam was created. Next, the year from Adam’s creation is 4,033. This does not mean anything to you now, but I will show the significance towards the end.

Next, we will go to sheet #84 from top to 70 AD. This is the second temple’s destruction, and the year begins once more with priest #14. The Talmud describes everything that happened in the 40 years between the crucifixion and the temple destruction. Multiple negative things that had never happened before, which indicated YHWH was not happy with them. It is exciting that this time fits perfectly with Jeremiah’s prophecy in chapter 4 when Judah was to be allowed  40 years of protection to repent so Jerusalem would be saved. We see on page 2 that the first temple destruction fulfilled the 390-year prophecy by Jeremiah in chapter 4, and now we see the second temple destruction exactly as Jeremiah prophesied, because Judah did not repent and turn back from their sins. If they had accepted Yahushua and repented, the temple would have been saved.

Now we will go to modern times, sheet #122. Look across the top to 1948. This year again begins with priest #14, but for the first time, the destruction was on the enemy. This was the beginning of restoring the whole House of Israel in the land.

Next, we will go to sheet #123. Notice that MN is shown in yellow below the years 1992 and 2016. Both of these situations where there is a full moon on the first day of the year and the year begins the year with priest #22 are described in the Qumran scrolls and in 1st Enoch, 72:32.This happens again on the next sheet in 2040. The Qumran scrolls call the full moon a new moon, not the dark day or crescent moon. Notice that 1997 was the 6,000th year since the creation of Adam.

Next, we will go to sheet #124; 2025 is a Yovel year, and as mentioned above, 2040 has a full moon on the first day of the year, and priest #22 starts the year. 2030 is the year that many eschatologists accept as the year Messiah will return. 2030 is 6,033 years from the creation of Adam. I mentioned already that Yahushua’s crucifixion was the 4,033rd year since the creation of Adam; there are exactly 2,000 years between the two.

I hope this exercise has helped you familiarize yourself with using the spreadsheets. I added information as we went along to make it enjoyable while you learned how the sheets work.

The near future years that will begin with the priestly order #14 are 2026, 2032, 2038 and 2044.


Conner Stevens


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