Events That Fall on the Same Priestly Order on the Qumran-Zadok Calendar

This article is a presentation to share the information I have accumulated in calendar studies, mainly called the Zadok calendar.  I have also studied biblical genealogies for a couple of years because a calendar has no starting point without a correct genealogy. The calendar kept by the Zadok priest at Qumran has its roots in the calendar described in the book of the 1st Enoch. I have made some very interesting discoveries that show that the calendar found at Qumran is the priestly calendar of ancient Israel up to the rule of Antiochus Epiphanes IV. Closely examining scriptures and history reveals this is the calendar ancient Israel followed. However, calendar controversies have existed since the Babylonian captivity.

My understanding of how it works has evolved, so I am comfortable sharing it now. I have a short article on why I delved into calendar studies and started looking into the Zadok calendar described in the Dead Sea Scrolls. I will point you to Eddie Chumney on YouTube, “Zadok Priestly Calendar-parts 1 through 3. He does a great job explaining that it is the correct calendar and the calendar we will return to the land on. Also, he has more presentations that can be found on YouTube or the Lion and Lamb Ministries website under the Shavuot Conference 2024 and the Sukkot Conference 2024.

I have put this calendar together with a genealogy that begins with the creation of Adam. This calendar is centered on the tropical year through intercalations of one week at certain times. The reason for an even seven-day intercalation is that seven days is the length of the priestly services. Any other number of days that were introduced would disrupt the priestly order. The goal is to keep the 364-day year in the tropical year. Moshe was told when they left Mitsrayim that the season of Aviv (ripe grain) would be the beginning of months from that point forward. We must intercalate because the tropical year is 365.25 days a year, and the 52-week calendar year is 364 days. The priestly order is based on a 364-day year of 24-hour days. I want to avoid getting into the math of all this now because it is not necessary to understand how things work.

 I have charted moon phases for many years as they relate to the sun cycles. This process is possible without modern technology. It is simple once you know the repetitive cycles of the moon and where these moon cycles are synchronized with the sun cycles by conjunction. The method is to take lunar months (the number of lunar days in a month) and arrange them in groups of seven, just like we do with Sabbatical-Shemita years. When you take seven groups of seven lunar months, which is 49 lunar months, the number of 24-hour earth days in the 49 lunar months is exactly 1447 days. This number is evenly divisible by 24 hours. The 1447 days equals 3.96 years, which is three years, 351 days, and 6 hours. The significance of this is that the moon is the same every 1447 days. So, if you have a full moon on the first day of the year like we did in 2016, then you count 1447 days you will have a full moon again. You can continue this count, and you will find a full moon on the first day of the year again in 2040. This conjunction of the sun and moon can be used for any moon phase. Ancient astronomers knew this and used it to predict the moon’s phase on the first day or any day of the year. When they counted the days of the year, they knew the count was correct if the predicted moon phase occurred on the same day. A moon phase is predictable for any day of a year, past, present, or future. The moon is a witness to the solar year, and the stars are also. What is very interesting is that seven groups of seven monthly moon cycles are the same pattern as a Yovel cycle, which is seven groups of seven years, which is 49 years. Through this pattern being followed in monthly moon cycles a conjunction is found with the sun’s 24-hour day cycles. The path through the constellations each year is 360 degrees. The sun’s circuit each day is 360 degrees also. The ancient astronomers also used the stars as witnesses. The sun governs the days, weeks, months, and the year. The moon and stars are the witnesses that you counted correctly. Once you start this process, you only need to count weeks and years from that point on.

I have no agenda to get people to keep the calendar as I put it together unless the Spirit leads them. I hope that someone will alert me if I have overlooked something. I really appreciate input from others. We do not have it all, but we can get closer together.

The information supplied in the Qumran scrolls shows a calendar based on 52 weeks and how it relates to the priestly order. Also, it predicts the dates of the moedim commanded in Leviticus 23, along with some other celebrations found in the Qumran scrolls and Yovelim (Jubilees). The Qumran scrolls show us a lot of information on how they kept the calendar. Most have minimalized the priestly order as it relates to this calendar. The calendar is for the dating of the moedim and the order of service of the Zadok priest. The High Priest would declare all the moedim each year and which day starts the year.

As said above, the year and the moedim must fit the tropical year, approximately 365.25. Figuring out the options for when and where to add extra time has caused a few different ideas on how to do that. Torah is Light website has an article named “Intercalation.” It is the best I have seen for explaining different possibilities, which all have the potential to work for staying in season. Also, the presenters seem to be very humble. I have examined and experimented with the four main methods. I have found that one is better than the rest. The explanation of why it is better than the others is in the article “The Priestly Order with Mishmarot & Otot.”

The following is my reckoning of the Zadok calendar based on the priestly order tied to a genealogy based on the Masoretic text that I have settled on after learning and testing many of the most widely accepted genealogies. It has many dates in the past when destructions have come on Israel that were in years that began with priest #14, Yeshebeab (dwelling with YHWH).

Comparison of the 50 Year Cycle to the 49 Year Cycle of Years

I want to address the question, “Are the Yovelim (Jubilees) Operating on Fifty-Year Cycles or Forty-nine-Year Cycles.” Which of these methods to use to establish Yovel years is not settled in Judah’s mind. YHWH commanded to keep Sabbatical-Shemitah years and Yovel (Jubilee) years in the Torah so that Israel could observe these moedim (appointments) once they entered the promised land. According to the book of Yovelim and other historical witnesses, a system of 49-year cycles was being used for Yovel cycles as far back as the second century BC. The way it works is you observe seven sets of 7 years, with the seventh year of each 7 being a Sabbatical-Shemitah year. When you reach the 49th year, the following year is a Yovel year, which is also the start of another 49-year cycle.

The 50-year cycles were prescribed in Genesis 6:3 as follows. Genesis 6:3 And YHWH said, “My Spirit shall not judge man forever. He is flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years (shanah can be translated as a year, but by definition, it means a cycle, a revolution of time).” These cycles are about how long YHWH’s Ruach (Spirit) will judge Adam (the descendants of the man Adam) in his flesh. There was no reason to judge Adam until he sinned. The 120 50-year cycles logically begin when Adam sinned. These 50-year cycles that are prophesized in Genesis 6:3 will be completed 6,000 years from the sin of Adam (Psalms 90:4 & 2 Peter 3:7-8). I use 50-year cycles for these 120 cycles because 6,000 years is evenly divisible by 50. Currently, I see the Yovel Sabbatical-Shemitah years as a different thing than the 50-year cycles. There is perfect symmetry in both. All the events on either set of cycles will always be in the same year from the creation of Adam and the same year on the BC-AD years on our Excel sheets. This means the priestly orders are the same on either one you use for all the years. 50-year cycles from the creation of Adam fall on years that begin with priests #22, #6, #14, then repeat. The 50th years are priests #2, #10, #18, then repeat. This order is a 150-year cycle. Then it starts the 51st cycle, identical to the 1st cycle when Adam was created, which began the year with priest #22 (Gamul).

On the 49-year Yovel cycles, the priestly order repeats the cycle in which Adam was created after 6-49-year cycles (294 years). The 295th year is the new beginning, which begins with priest #22 (Gamul), the same as the creation of Adam. These 49 year cycles are just for keeping track of the Sabbatical-Shemita cycles and Yovel cycles. With this said all the days, years, and priestly orders are the same on both. Just the cycles for Yovel years are 49 years and all the cycles that are prophesying the return of Yahushua are 50 year cycles.

There is much information concerning the 6,000-year plan. Rather than go deep into that now I will make an article available “The Two Adams”. This is about the difference between Adam presented in Genesis chapter 1 and Adam presented in Genesis chapter 2, which explains how the 6,000-year plan works in detail. It is based on scripture and multiple witnesses in the writings of the early church fathers and the Jewish Talmud.

With all this said, Adam was guilty of a deliberate transgression and suffered the consequences when he died 70 years (one generation) short of a 1,000-year prophetic day. Adam’s death proved satan a liar and murderer from the beginning (John 8:44).

What is happening is the 120 50-year cycles end when YHWH will no longer be judging the descendants of Adam for their sins. He will have removed the knowledge of evil from their hearts, the core of their being where their reasoning resides. This will cleanse their conscience. This time is described in Matthew chapter 13:24-43 and spoken of in Jeremiah chapter 31 and Ezekiel chapter 36 with more details. The Ramban, Nachman of Breslov, says that this time, in his commentary on the Torah, is the time when Elohim will remove the evil inclination from the descendants of Adam. The writings of the very early church fathers agree. According to the Masoretic text genealogies, as I have plotted them, the 120th 50-year cycle from the creation of Adam was in 1997, which is the 6,000th year from the creation of Adam. But, we need to know what age Adam was when he sinned because that is when the 120-50-year cycles began, not at the creation of Adam, but when Adam sinned.

A man from Oklahoma, who has been deceased since, plotted the Priestly order as found in 1 Chronicles Chapter 24, as they appeared in the scrolls. Another man put that in a Microsoft Excel file. My cousin improved the Excel file to enable us to change the beginning dates and automatically propagate the years from the creation of Adam forward. On the bottom, we have years from the creation of Adam, which I refer to as AC years, and on the top, BC-AD years. Adjusting the beginning point allowed me to check any genealogy someone had come up with.

Relationships of Genealogies with the Priestly Order and Historical Events

With all this in mind, I figured if this genealogy I settled on was correct, we should be able to see events in which we have historical knowledge of their dates as somehow being related to each other and falling on the dates outlined in this genealogy if it is correct. There are multiple genealogies out there, so to be sure which one was correct, I tried all of them that scholars deemed highly credible. They all had a date set for the creation of Adam, so I had to adjust my beginning date to theirs and then start looking for some historically related occurrences. The date I settled on for the creation of Adam is 4004 BC. It comes from Dr. James Ussher. I will show a quote from The Berisheet End Times Passover Prophecy, by C. J. Lovik, Light House Gospel Beacon Publishing, page 111, as follows.

“Note, over 100 independent research projects have produced books and articles roughly confirming the amazing accuracy of Bishop Ussher’s biblical chronology. I could not find any other chronology with anywhere near Ussher’s acceptance. So, 4004 BC became my beginning point, and I began counting until today. I spent over a year studying and testing this beginning date and many others. The truth is that many dates in scripture do not work with others, and there is no way to make connections enough to come up with anything in many areas.

Also, I will quote from Calendars in the Dead Sea Scrolls by James C. Vanderkam, page 97.

Here, Vanderkam quotes Michael Wise as he describes issues addressed in the text: “The problems with which our author wrestled were notorious difficulties for ancient scholars, Jewish and Christian. The problems are: (1) the length of the Israelites’ sojourn in Egypt; (2) the chronology of the the period of the wilderness wanderings; and (3) the chronology of the period of judges. In the case of the first problem, the difficulty was to resolve the apparent conflict between the time given for the sojourn by Gen. 15:13-14 (400 years) and that started in Exodus 12:40 (430 years). For the wilderness wanderings, the difficulty was to derive any chronology at all…In the case of judges, the main difficulty was to rationalize the implications of a straightforward addition of the time periods given in the books of Judges(410 years). This number presents problems when compared with 1 Kings 6:1, which encompasses all the judges and many other events in a period spanning just 480 years. Michael Wise (1994) `Observations on New Calendrical Tests from Qumran,` in his thunder in Gemini, Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplements Series 15, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

This information shows why multitudes of scholarly genealogies exist, and almost all disagree. I believe that if it is correct, it will somehow prove itself. Another conviction I have is that our Father in Heaven and His Son do not create anything imperfect. So, the synchronicity of the genealogy, the priestly order, and the calendar must be there, or it is incorrect. Biblical and historical dating are used to prove such things. It will become evident going forward how these things have worked out in what I will put forth.

In the following,  many connections between events, both prophetic and historical, will be seen.

Here are a few events witnessed in scriptures, the writings of Josephus and 1st Maccabees.

456 BC is a Sabbatical-Shemitah year, as shown in Nehemiah 8:18, because Ezra read the entire Torah as commanded in Sabbatical-Shemitah years.

162 BC is a Sabbatical-Shemitah year, as said in 1st Maccabees 16:14 and Josephus Antiquities.

134 BC is a Sabbatical-Shemitah year, as said in 1st Maccabees and Josephus Antiquities.

36 BC is a Sabbatical-Shemitah year, as said in Josephus Antiquities 14:16.2.

22 BC is a Sabbatical-Shemitah year, as said in Josephus Antiquities 15:9.2.

42 AD is a Sabbatical-Shemitah year, as in Josephus Antiquities 18:8 and 1& 2.

Credit goes to Joseph F. Dumond, The Prophecies of Abraham, for the above dating. All these dates fit the genealogy I created from what I felt was the most reliable. As I tested different genealogies, I began to see why they differed. This was very helpful because I would dig deeper and see which one I agreed with using the information they gave and what I had already found.

Many more remarkable things are seen using the genealogy I created with the Masoretic Text.

I will include a link to a document detailing a prophecy made by Rabbi Yahuda ben Samuel in 1217. It is remarkably interesting because it all happened as he said it would, and the dating of his prophecy over Jerusalem is connected to the calendar according to the genealogy I am using. Ultimately, he said that 2017 would begin the generation Messiah is coming in (a generation defined as 70 years.)

The year 2017 is an interesting year for many reasons. September 13, 2017, began a new 19-year Metonic (moon) cycle and was also the first year of the 87th70-year generation cycle from the creation of Adam (2016 being the end of the 86th generation from the creation of Adam).

September 13, 2017 (the beginning of a 19-year Metonic cycle), was Yom Teruah on the Zadok calendar that year. Also, the woman with a crown of 12 stars, clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet (Revelation chapter 12), appeared on September 23, Yom Kippurim, on the Zadok calendar that same year. Something remarkably similar happened on September 29, 2011. The woman appeared then, as she did in 2017, but another event was happening simultaneously. The comet Elenin, which passes Earth approximately every 3500 years on September 29, was sitting above the woman’s head, appearing like a tiara on her crown. Everyone was tracking Elenin, so our attention was drawn to this event, which happened on the first day of Sukkot on the Zadok calendar in 2011. The Appearance of this comet, which reappears around 3500 years, came this time 3567 years from the Exodus from Mitsrayim. When Israel entered the promised land, it was only 7 years from being 3500 years from the 2011 appearance.

These 50-year cycles related to Adam being judged in his sin happen in years that end with 47 and 97 on the calendar we keep today. For instance, 1947 was the 50th year in a cycle, and 1997 was the next, which was the 6,000th year from Adam’s creation. 1998 started a new cycle of 50 years, identical to the 50-year cycle when Adam was created. That indicates a new beginning.

There are events that fall on years that begin with priest #14, Yeshebeab, which means “dwelling of YHWH,” which I will show as we go on in which there were destructions on the House of Israel and the House of Judah.

A genealogy from the creation of Adam dictates the Sabbatical-Shemitah years and Yovel years as I said in the beginning. The calendar needs to be based on a good genealogy to be correct. The genealogy I believe is correct begins with the creation of Adam, as previously said, at the beginning of -4004 BC. The 120th 50-year cycle, which was 1997, was the 6,000th year from the creation of Adam, as said above. The significance of that is that Messiah should return in the year 1997, plus however old Adam was when he sinned. Most believe Yahushua is coming back in 2030, which is 6,033 years from the creation of Adam. That would mean Adam sinned at age 33, beginning the 120 50-year cycles. Eschatologists mostly think this because 33 is a highly revered number in satanic worship. If Adam sinned at age 33 that would be when the entire world fell into the kingdom of sin and rebellion, which satan rules. The YouTube video Messiah 2030 makes a case for the return of Messiah in the year 2030. It is well worth watching. It relates it to prophecy less than it uses numbers. It is beneficial in many ways. What it does not contain is what exactly, prophetically, happens at that time. I have written a few things that explain that part of it. One is the “The Day and Hour” we can know.” Another is “Generational Curses,” which is about the complete fulfillment of Yom Kippurim.” The Book of Yovelim (Jubilees) says the serpent entered the garden on the eighth on the 17th day of the second month after Adam entered the garden. This would mean he was twenty-five+ when he entered the garden.

Testing and Evaluating the Genealogy against Historical and Scriptural Dates

Once I put the calendar found at Qumran together according to the Masoretic text genealogies and according to information from multiple genealogical experts, it was time to evaluate it against historical events. I truthfully expected to be disappointed, but I was not. I often asked to be led by the Ruach, mainly when I was at a dead end. Dead ends are wake-up calls about who the source of all things is and that we must be continually aware of our need for His help.

One of the experts I studied said the possibility for any historical date was 1 of 3 years. So, he used the middle year, knowing it could go one year either way. This policy was mainly after the Babylonian exile because they changed the beginning of the year from Aviv to Yom Teruah, which was half a year different from what Moses was told the first of months would be. I will refer you to Wikipedia’s “Missing Years”(The Jewish Calendar). It is essential to understand that the Jews have had many different starting points and endpoints. I am not trying to cast them in a bad light; they rely on what they have. It is hard to imagine what it would be like not to have multitudes of information at our fingertips and accessible in minutes. Even though I grew up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, when in-depth information was hard to get, you forget quickly. With the information we have today, we can see precisely what Daniel’s prophecy predicts in Daniel 12:4, ” Many shall diligently search, and knowledge will increase. Then, in 12:10, Daniel says, “Those who have insight will understand.” Our goal is to have insight.

The earliest event I checked was Joseph’s birth in 2199 AC. That year began with priest #14, Yeshebeab, which means “dwelling of YHWH,” as said above. Then I noticed that Joseph’s death in 2309 AC fell on a year that also started with priest #14.

This repetition made me curious about the death of Jacob in the year 2255 AC. I checked, and priest #14 also started that year. I then looked into negative events in Abraham’s family, possibly happening in years that also began with priest #14. I found that Abraham went into Hagar, and Ishmael was conceived in 2033 AC, which also started with priest #14. Yahushua was crucified in the year 4033, exactly  2,000 years from the conception of Ishmael. Also, 6033 AC, which is 2030 AD, is 2,000 years from the crucifixion.  At this point, this is getting interesting. 

Next, I checked the date that the two houses of Israel were divided after Solomon’s death. I used 976 BC, which I found through the Seventh Day Adventist research, proven with the Masoretic text. It was not an easy proof; it took a lot of study. I used that date over the date of 931 BC, which is based on Assyrian and Egyptian chronologies instead of the Masoretic text. This date is hard to debate because these other chronological sites come together in many ways. The 931 BC date is established by Assyrian tablets dating an eclipse at the time of Jonah, which has an amazing connection to Jonah which I will describe towards the end of this article. Then, that event is tied to Solomon’s reign by the date he started the Temple, which is stated to be 480 years from the Exodus in 1446 BC. Four hundred eighty years is also debatable because it does not fit the date you can establish using the Masoretic text. What we see here is what was discussed at the beginning of page 4. Something interesting that is seen by using the year 976 BC is it fits the prophecy in Ezekiel chapter 4, which I will address in detail at the end of page 6. The dates I use in all other cases are the most accepted according to history. I found that 976 BC began the year with priest #14 again.

Next, I checked the first Babylonian assault on Jerusalem, which ended when Yehoiachin surrendered in late 597 BC. The deportation was in early 598 (which began Judah’s exile), and 598 also began with priest #14.

Then, in 586 BCE, the first Temple was destroyed, which began again with priest #14.

Next, the second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, which began the year with priest #14.

Next was Israel’s independence in 1948, which began the year with priest #14. This destruction was the first time the destruction was not on the Jews but on the enemy. This destruction of the enemy instead of Judah would make me think that 1948 started the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Judah always led the nation when they moved. It is scriptural that they would be the first back in the land. It is obvious to the world that the Elohim of Israel was and is fighting for them in 1948 and now.

This event reminded me of Joseph’s death in 2199 AC, which began with priest #14. I thought that 1948 started the standing up of the dry bones of the House of Israel under Joseph through Ephrayim (Yehoshua ben Nun), signifying the beginning of Joseph’s rebirth.

Next, in 2008, the war with Gaza and the crash of the US stock market occurred started the year with priest #14, and the enemy suffered losses again. I am updating this article now on December 26th 2024 and watching the enemies of the State of Israel suffer losses daily. There have been so many miracles in this present war that it can not be denied that the Elohim of Israel is fighting for them.

These events randomly occurring in years that began with the same priestly order are not likely. I started to research all the events where the Jews were persecuted or expelled from countries. I found  Wikipedia “Expulsions and Exoduses of Jews,” which is an excellent source. As I went through them, I realized some were small and insignificant, and others were more prominent and important. What I found was there were 14 more events that were against the Jews that fell on years that began the year with priest #14.

I have not yet checked the things that happened to the House of Israel, except that Yaroboam put golden calves at Bet El and Dan, then appointed priests who were not Levitical and changed the moedim in the same year that Israel was divided. Hence, those events fell on this same priestly order.

The following are the other events found in the document from Wikipedia: Inquisitions and expulsions of the Jews that all fall in years that began with priest #14.

The year 46 falls in Claudius’s expulsion of the Jews from Rome.

The year 418 was when the Jews were expelled from Minocra or asked to convert.

The year 1012 is when the Jews were expelled from Mainz.

The year 1276 is when the Jews were expelled from Bavaria.

The year 1288 is when the Jews were expelled from Southern Italy.

The year 1294 was when the Jews were expelled from Berne, Switzerland.

The year 1306 was when the Jews were expelled from France.

The year 1360 is when the Jews were expelled from Hungary.

The year 1492 is when the Jews were expelled from Spain and continued through 1493.

The year 1510 is when the Jews were expelled from Naples and Brandenburg.

The year 1654 saw the Portuguese take over the Dutch colony of Recife in Brazil, prompting the Jewish arrival in New Amsterdam, the first group of Jews to flee to North America.

In the year 1714, after the Spanish Succession, the Jews of Austrian origin were expelled from Bavaria.

In 1744, Frederick II, Joseph II, and Maria Theresa began their reforms, sending masses of impoverished German and Austrian Jews East.

In the years 1947-1972, the Jewish Exodus from the Muslim world ended in the same order.

The year 1948, Israel won their independence. .

In 1972, Idi Amin expelled all Israelis from Uganda.

In the year 2020, Israel closed the country two weeks before Pesach.

Every one of these happened in years that began with priest #14. At this point, I realized that making these 23 total events random was nearly impossible. Years beginning with this priestly order have been prophetic.

The years that began with priest #10, which means dwells with YHWH,  have preceded all the above by one year, and there is significance to the years that start with priest #10 as follows. The year 1048 AC Abraham was born began with priest #10. In the year 2194 AC, Levi was born to Leah and began with priest #10. In the year 2428, the Exodus began with priest #10. The Balfour Declaration in 1917 AD started that year with priest #10. It declared that Israel could be a nation again in the promised land. In 1947 AD, which started the year with priest #10, the UN passed Resolution 181, declaring that Israel and Palestine could be nations in the land. In 587 BC, Babylon made their second assault on Jerusalem, and that year began with priest #10. It also started a 19-year meteoric (moon) cycle, the same as 2017 AD. You can see here that the years that began with priest #10, which were the warning years for coming destruction, are also related to restoration depending on whether the person or nation acts righteously or unrighteously.

As said above, I have not even investigated the expulsions from the Northern Kingdom of Israel except for Yaroboam’s sins. I will do this soon.

1998 AD started a new 50-year cycle that incidentally was the beginning of a new cycle that is identical to the first cycle when Adam was created, which began the year with priest #22, Gamul, which means recompense (rewarded) weaned, and complete, and ended the year with priest #1, Yehoyarib, which means Yahuah contends. The last week of the year ends precisely the same. Interestingly, 1997 AD was 6,000 years since the creation of Adam as said above.

In these cycles that began the year with priest #14, we have seen all these events fall on repeat at the beginning of the following years: 2026 AD, 2032 AD, 2038 AD, and 2044 AD. The year 2025 AD on the 49-year Yovel cycle is a Yovel year, and it begins with priest #10. It is also the beginning of the next 7-year Sabbatical-Shemitah cycle, which ends in 2031 AD. Priest #10 also serves on the first day of that year. Remember that when the destruction years were on Judah that we have seen were always on the years that began with priest #14, which is always the year after the years that start with priest #10. Also, remember that 1948 AD was the first time a year began with priest #14 that the destruction was on the enemy, not Judah. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Something to take note of is the prophecy in Ezekiel Chapter 4. Ezekiel was told to set himself to destroy Jerusalem and then to put an iron plate between himself and Jerusalem. Read Ezekiel 4:1-7 now. This iron plate indicates a time of protection to allow for repentance. It was 390 years from dividing Israel into two Houses, 976 BC to 586 BC. The year 586 begins with priest #14, as said above. The first temple destruction is attributed to the unrighteousness of the House of Israel according to Ezekiel’s prophecy in Ezekiel 4:5. Avinu told Yaroboam that if he were righteous like David, He would bless him in all that he promised David. Instead, Yaroboam changed the High Holy Days, made priests not from Aaron’s lineage, and put up golden calves at Bet El and Dan.

Judah’s protection time was 40 years, as shown in Ezekiel 4. There were exactly 40 years from Yahushua’s crucifixion to the second Temple’s destruction. The Jewish people were given 40 years to repent and accept Yahushua as Messiah before the second Temple was destroyed. The Talmud records multiple bad things that happened in those 40 years that had never happened before. The destruction of the Second Temple is attributed to the unrighteousness of the House of Judah. Interestingly, all those bad things happened during the 40 years from 30 AD to 70 AD, and the Jews did not connect it to Yahushua. These are two witnesses that the genealogy is correct.

Another interesting thing about Ezekiel’s 390-year prophecy is as follows. On May 13, 1617, AD, three ships landed at Jamestown. They set up a cross and dedicated America to Elohim (God). 390 years later is 1997, which is the 6,000th year since the creation of Adam. Jeremiah 30:7 says a time is coming that will be as Jacob’s distress. Jacob served 20 years for both wives and the livestock. The year 2017 is 20 years from 1997. Jeremiah 30:7 also says Jacob will be saved out of his distress. Look at what has happened to the US since 1997 and look what has happened to the State of Israel since 2017. It certainly appears that protection from evil has disappeared in the United States, but now that Trump is about to take office this country may rise again. If here there is the spiritual revival we see in Israel now the United States may do as Israel has done in the last year.

When you look at the Judah ben Samuel’s prophecy, you will see that 2017 is a significant year, as shown on pages 3 & 4 above. Two college studies have shown that a conservative estimate is that 85% of the Hispanic population in the Americas and Canada are of Jewish heritage from the inquisitions. There are 65 million Hispanics in the US. 85% of that is 55 million. If you add to that the number of lost tribes in the USA, it could be that there is more of Israel in the USA than in any other country in the world. The Jews say there are around 5 million Jews in the US because they are unaware of the number of Hispanics that are of Jewish heritage. When the dry bones stand up (both Houses of Israel), and the spirit enters them, the evil will shudder. The above is an interesting parallel.

The most relevant thing for today is how this calendar relates to the prophecies of the 1260-day service of the two witnesses in Revelation 11 and the 1290 and 1335-day prophecies in Daniel 12. The Zadok calendar is the only calendar in use today that these prophecies will work on. All the numbers of days are in what I call Enoch’s language. In Revelation chapter 11, 42 months are called 1260 days. 42 months is not 1260 days, but 1260 degrees in relationship to the sun. It is 360 degrees in each solar year. Beginning at Yom Teruah, 42 months end on the first day of the year on the Zadok calendar when Elohim will raise two witnesses into the heavens after lying dead in the street for 3 ½ days. The 1290th day given in Daniel 12 is the last day of the first month of that year. This date is the destruction of Babel, Gog Prince of Magog, false prophets, and false doctrines Daniel had just seen. Next, the 1335th day falls precisely on Shavuot. The day the knowledge of evil is removed from the descendants of Adam. Shavuot is the day that begins the last 3 ½ moedim that Daniel was told would be the greater end of all he had seen. No calendar that starts months with the moon could ever work for these days. I will attach a pdf picture of the 1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days and explain how it works.

Why Intercalation?

Why do we intercalate? The first day of the year goes backward 1.25 days each year. This regression means that in 183  years, the first day of the year would be on what should be Yom Teruah. In 364 years, you will have made a complete circle around the year. All these events that happen in specific years, according to genealogies and historical dates, would only work if you keep the year centered on the tropical year. Enoch is less concerned with the weeks than the seasons (the equinoxes and solstices).

I will attach both Excel files (50-year and 49-year Yovel cycles) to this article and the connection to pull up the article about Yahuda Ben Shemuel’s prophecies. The Excel files can be altered, so be sure not to save changes every time you close either of them. I have accidentally changed something without realizing it, and if I saved changes when closing it, I would not know where to go to fix it.

If you want to evaluate another genealogy, you can change year 1 to whatever year you want to start on and hit enter, and it will automatically propagate to the last year in the file. You can do this with the AD-BC years at the top of the file and the AC years from Adam’s creation at the bottom. If you make changes and want to save them, go to save as and give the file another name. Then, you will preserve the original. At the bottom on the left are two small arrow points on the same line where the Jubilee # is listed. A list of Jubilee #s will appear if you right-click between the arrow points. You can pick any Jubilee cycle you want to go to. This action keeps you from moving the Jubilee cycles at the bottom of the page 120 times to go from Jubilee #1 to # 120. The 49-year Jubilee cycles go to #126, and the 50-year cycles go to #123. We have listed the AD-BC years so you can relate to the calendar we keep today, but I use the AC days from creation for calculating. The AD-BC years are also good for going to events that we have reliable history to know when they happened and see which order they fall on, but they are not accurate to an exact day many times.


Conner Stevens

Prophecy by Judah ben Samuel in 1217.

Priestly Order

1 Yehoyarib     Yahuah contends.

2 Yedaiah        Yahuah has known.

3 Harim            dedicated.

4 Seorim          barley.

5 Malchiyah    Yahuah is my King.

6 Miyamin       right hand.

7 Hakkoz         the thorn.

8 Aviyah          Yahuah is my Father.

9 Yahushua      Yahuah saves-delivers.

10 Shecaniah    dwells with Yahuah.

11 Eliashib       Yahuah restores.

12 Yakim         He will rise.

13 Huppah       canopy-covering.

14 Yeshebeab  dwelling of Yahuah.

15 Bilgah         cheerfulness.

16 Immer         He hath said.

17 Hezir           Protect, In close. Also means swine

18 Aphses        to break.

19 Pethahiah    freed by Yahuah.

20 Yehezekel   Yahuah strengthens.

21 Yachin         He will establish.

22 Gamul         recompense (rewarded), weaned, complete.

23 Delaiah       Yahuah has drawn.

24 Maaziah      consolation.

The Two Witnesses and The Days of Daniel

This short article is about the 1260 days (42 months) that the two Witnesses described in Revelation Chapter 11 prophesy on the streets of Jerusalem clad in sackcloth and the relationship of their days of service with the 1290 and 1335 Days that are given at the end of Daniel Chapter 12. Daniel was told that the end of these days was the end of everything Daniel saw. First, look at the 1260 days of Revelation chapter 11, when the two witnesses serve at the end just before Yahushua destroys evil and punishes the nations that have oppressed His people. Daniel 12 says the end of all the matters Daniel had seen was 3 1/2 moedim until they (the adversaries) had ended scattering (dividing) His people. Then He says, “From the time when that which is continual is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up to the end will be 1290 days”. Then it says, “Blessed are those earnestly waiting till 1335 days”. Remember that Daniel 12 is at the very end and is the exact time of Revelation 12:7-17. In both cases, Michael stands up for His people and defeats satan and his angels. In both places, the time till the end is 3-1/2 moedim, then Yahushua (who is coming in the name of His Father) comes out of His place (Isaiah 26:21) to destroy the evil and punish the nations that oppressed His people. We can also see in Isaiah 26:5 that YHWH will bring down those on high (satan and his angelic followers). The same appears in Isaiah 24:21 as follows. And on that day, it shall be that YHWH punishes on high the host of exalted ones and on the Earth the sovereigns of the Earth. This time is when the Earth is staggering like a drunkard. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and be punished after many days.

Isa 24:23  And the moon shall blush, and the sun shall be ashamed, for YHWH of hosts shall reign on Mount Tsiyon, and in Yerushalayim, (compare to Rev.14:1) and before His elders, in esteem!

References to the above, Isaiah 12:6, 16:5, 46:13, 52:8, 59:20, Psalms 102:16, Ezekiel 43:7-9, Joel 3:17 and 3:21, Micah 4:7-8, Zephaniah 3:14-17, Zechariah 1:16-17, 2:10, 8:3-8, and 14:1-11, Acts 1:6-7, Revelation 21:1-27. 

Notice the two witnesses serve 3 1/2 years. Now Daniel is told the following.

Daniel 12:3, “And those who have insight shall shine like the brightness of the expanse (Matthew 13:43, same time as Daniel 12:3), and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.

Then, in verses 8-10, we are told that those who have insight will understand what is hidden till the end.

Daniel 12:8  And I heard but did not understand, so I said, “My master, what is the latter end of these matters?”

Daniel 12:9  And he said, “Go, Daniel, for the words are hidden and sealed until the end.

Daniel 12:10  “Many shall be cleansed and made white and refined. But the wrong shall do wrong – and none of the wrong shall understand, but those with insight shall understand.

The point I am making is all we are talking about here is happening just before Yahushua comes to start the millennial reign. I think all the readers of these scriptures will want to be those who have insight.


Revelation Chapter 11 begins with 42 months, 3.5 years. This time was described as the 1260 days that the two witnesses would walk the streets of Jerusalem doing their work. Most do not notice that 1260 days is not 42 months. It is Enoch’s language. It represents 1260 degrees of the sun’s yearly rotation, which is 42 months. When you start the 3.5 years of the two witnesses at Yom Teruah, you end up on the first day of the year on the Zadok-Enoch calendar. Daniel was told the greater end would be 1290 days, assuming the exact starting date (seen in the parallels between Daniel 12 and Revelation 11 & 12). This time would be the last day of month one after the 3.5 years have ended. The 1335th day falls precisely on Shavuot. Shavuot is when the wheat harvest’s first fruits (two loaves of leavened bread) are offered (Matthew 13:24-43, the darnel is pulled and burned, and the wheat is to be placed in the storehouse). This time is the same time satan is thrown out of heaven in Revelation 12: 7-17. In 12:10, it said, “Now have come the deliverance and power and the Reign of our Elohim. We will be delivered from all evil. In Revelation 11:15, after the two witnesses are killed and raised on the third day, the seventh trumpet is blown, saying, “The Reign of this world has become the Reign of the Master and His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever.” It says the same thing as Revelation 12:10 and Daniel’s 1335th day. This Shavuot is when the descendants of Adam, who are producing fruit for YHWH, will be made into the image and likeness of Elohim (the Father and Son).

These time periods will not work on any lunar calendar!!!

This Shavuot is the time described in Matthew 13:24-43, Revelation Chapters 11, 12 & 14, Joel Chapters 2 & 3, Ezekiel Chapters 36 through 39, Jeremiah 31, and all of the books of Zephaniah and Obadiah, to mention a few.

In Mark 4:13, Yahushua tells the apostles that if they do not understand the seed parables, they will be unable to understand them. The knowledge of evil is removed from our reasoning, which is the complete fulfillment of Yom Kippurim.

I need to explain something concerning the Excel charts, each being a complete 49 years.

The Calendric Signs (Otot) (4Q319) show that Gamul, which begins the cycle Adam was created, starts his duty week three days in the previous year. These Excel charts we have made show the whole week of Gamul priest #22. Every year begins in the middle of the service of the priest who begins that year. So, on the Excel Yovel-Jubilee cycle sheets, the first priestly duty of each year has three days of the previous year. Every year is this way. This must be considered if an exact date is sought on the sheet. This is a priestly order Excel sheet. The priestly duties are seven days. Their service starts at sunset Shabbat, which begins the next week and ends the same. Each year starts on the fourth day of the week. This is the pattern of the Otot (signs). It could be that it is a picture of the three-year pattern for when you keep your tithe at home to feed the widows, orphans, and poor people.




3 responses to “Events That Fall on the Same Priestly Order on the Qumran-Zadok Calendar”

  1. Have you considered using the DSS records of the sabbatical and jubilee years? We have done this and it will give you a different perspective and timeline. Also, can you please tell me what is your new years date in March 2025 and what priest you have in service. Ty

    1. Conner Stevens Avatar
      Conner Stevens

      Gina, I have followed the DSS for everything I have done to date. I am now working on the constellations and plotting the moons from the DSS, along with the moons given in Enoch. If you read the article “Priestly Order & The Six Year Mishmarots & The Otot, ” you will see a list of the Mishmarots and Otot (signs) given in the scrolls, along with the intercalation years, basically all the way back to Adam’s creation. Also, the article “Significant Events that Fall on Years beginning with the same Priestly Order”, which establishes a genealogy from the creation of Adam to far into the future. Some have told me that there is information in the scrolls that identifies 2025 as a Yovel (Jubilee) year, which is the cycle the Messiah will come in (reference Ken Johnson). Also, there is a connection to the prophecy over Jerusalem made by Yahudah ben Shemuel in 1217. This prophecy came true exactly as he said. He was using 50-year and 70-year cycles, which are significant in prophecy but are not Yovel cycles that are 49-year cycles. The 70-year cycles are generational cycles. Do you have a place where I can see what you are referring to? I appreciate you reaching out to me. I believe it takes us all to make something all it can be. My website is a work in progress. Shabbat Shalom

    2. Conner Stevens Avatar
      Conner Stevens

      Gina, the first day of the year will fall on March 26th. Sorry I missed that in my reply to you.

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