This short article is about the 1260 days (42 months) that the two Witnesses described in Revelation Chapter 11 prophesy on the streets of Jerusalem clad in sackcloth and the relationship of their days of service with the 1290 and 1335 Days that are given at the end of Daniel Chapter 12. Daniel was told that the end of these days was the end of everything Daniel saw.
First, look at the 1260 days of Revelation chapter 11, when the two witnesses serve at the end just before Yahushua comes to destroy evil and punish the nations that have oppressed His people. Daniel 12 says the end of all the matters Daniel had seen was 3 1/2 moedim until they (the adversaries) had ended scattering (dividing) His people. Then He says, “From the time when that which is continual is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up to the end will be 1290 days”. Then it says, “blessed are those earnestly waiting till 1335 days”. Remember that Daniel 12 is at the very end and is the exact time of Revelation 12:7-17. In both cases, Michael stands up for His people and defeats satan and his angels, and in both places, the time till the end is 3-1/2 moedim, then Yahushua (who is coming in the name of His Father) comes out of His place (Isaiah 26:21) to destroy the evil and punish the nations that oppressed His people. We can also see in Isaiah 26:5 that YHWH will bring down those on high (satan and his angelic followers). The same appears in Isaiah 24:21 as follows. And on that day, it shall be that YHWH punishes on high the host of exalted ones and on the Earth the sovereigns of the Earth. This time is when the Earth is staggering like a drunkard. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and be punished after many days. Isa 24:23 And the moon shall blush, and the sun shall be ashamed, for YHWH of hosts shall reign on Mount Tsiyon, and in Yerushalayim, (compare to Rev.14:1)d and before His elders, in esteem! Footnote: d Isa_12:6, Isa_16:5, Isa_46:13, Isa_52:8, Isa_59:20, Psa_102:16, Eze_43:7-9, Joe_3:17 and Joe_3:21, Mic_4:7-8, Zep_3:14-17, Zec_1:16-17, Zec_2:10, Zec_8:3-8, Zec_14:1-11, Act_1:6-7, Rev_21:1-27.
Notice the two witnesses serve 3 1/2 years. Now Daniel is told: Daniel 12:3, “And those who have insight shall shine like the brightness of the expanse (Matthew 13:43, same time as Daniel 12:3), and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. Then, in verses 8-10, we are told that those who have insight will understand what is hidden till the end. 12:8 And I heard but did not understand, so I said, “My master, what is the latter end of these matters?”
9 And he said, “Go, Daniel, for the words are hidden and sealed until the end.
10 “Many shall be cleansed and made white and refined. But the wrong shall do wrong – and none of the wrong shall understand, but those with insight shall understand.
The point I am making is all we are talking about here is happening just before Yahushua comes to start the millennial reign.
Revelation Chapter 11 begins with 42 months, 3.5 years. This time was described as the 1260 days that the two witnesses would walk the streets of Jerusalem doing their work. Most do not notice that 1260 days is not 42 months. It is Enoch’s language. It represents 1260 degrees of the sun’s yearly rotation, which is 42 months. When you start the 3.5 years of the two witnesses at Yom Teruah, you end up on the first day of the year on the Zadok-Enoch calendar. Daniel was told the greater end would be 1290 days, assuming the exact starting date (seen in the parallels between Daniel 12 and Revelation 11 & 12). This time would be the last day of month one after the 3.5 years have ended. The 1335th day falls precisely on Shavuot. Shavuot is when the wheat harvest’s first fruits (two loaves of leavened bread) are offered (Matthew 13:24-43, the darnel is pulled and burned, and the wheat is to be placed in the storehouse). This time is the same time satan is thrown out of heaven in Revelation 12: 7-17. In 12:10, it said, “Now have come the deliverance and power and the Reign of our Elohim. We will be delivered from all evil. In Revelation 11:15, after the two witnesses are killed and raised on the third day, the seventh trumpet is blown, saying, “The Reign of this world has become the Reign of the Master and His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever.” It says the same thing as Revelation 12:10 and Daniel’s 1335th day. This Shavuot is when the descendants of Adam, who are producing fruit for YHWH, will be made into the image and likeness of Elohim (the Father and Son).
These time periods will not work on any lunar calendar!!!
This is when the descendants of Adam that are producing fruit for Yahuah will be made into the image and likeness of Elohim (our Heavenly Father and His Son).
This Shavuot is the time described in Matthew 13:24-43, Revelation Chapters 11, 12 & 14, Joel Chapters 2 & 3, Ezekiel Chapters 36 through 39, Jeremiah 31, and all of the books of Zephaniah and Obadiah, to mention a few.
In Mark 4:13, Yahushua tells the apostles that if they do not understand the seed parables, they will be unable to understand them. The knowledge of evil is removed from our reasoning, which is the complete fulfillment of Yom Kippurim.
I need to explain something concerning the Excel charts, each being a complete 49 years.
The Calendric Signs (Otot) (4Q319) show that Gamul, which begins the cycle Adam was created, starts his duty week three days in the previous year. These Excel charts we have made show the whole week of Gamul. Every year begins in the middle of the service of the priest who begins that year. So, on the charts, the first service of each year has three days of the previous year in that first priest’s duty. This must be considered if an exact date is being sought on the chart.
Conner Stevens
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